Weatherclock Agent Page

This is the Weatherclock Electric Imp Agent page. Here you define the location of the clock, brightness of the LEDs, if they dim for bedtime and when they wake, and your daylight savings time offset.

There are also some test buttons off to the right, and a forecast display at top.

The FIND ME button SHOULD return the general GPS coordinates of the clock, but a zip code can be entered as well,
then press "Set Location"

As set up above, the weather LED backlights will begin dimming at 10PM and go from 100% of Master Brightness to 0% Master Brightness after a 20 minute fade. Likewise, at 7AM, the backlights will go from 0% of Master Brightness to 100% Master brightness, beginning 20 minutes prior to 7AM.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ping me at

Thank you!


nonentity, slothfurnace and arduinix all trademark bradley w. lewis